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3 underused technologies you can take advantage of today
Digital transformation doesn't always mean reinventing the wheel. See how three familiar technologies can give you a competitive edge.
Benefits to Attract and Retain Employees
Attracting and retaining great employees can be very challenging. While compensation is certainly important, your employee benefits package can be a powerful force in an employee’s decision. In this video, we cover benefits to help attract and retain great employees.
Understanding the makings of a $2 trillion infrastructure project
A project that modernizes the national infrastructure means increased jobs, productivity and growth, leading to better living standards.
ASC 740: Q1 2021 Provision Considerations
A roundup of recent tax law changes and other income tax provision considerations for the first quarter of 2021.
IRS expands filing and payment deadline extension
This Alert describes and explains the postponement of certain federal tax filing and payment deadlines in IRS Notice 2021-21.
5 issues middle market retailers face in 2021
What are the top issues for middle market retailers? From labor challenges to business transformation, there's plenty in the cart.
9 important tax topics for individuals and business owners in 2021
Managing significant tax changes will ensure individuals and businesses are positioned for success for the remainder of 2021 and beyond.
GASB issues Exposure Draft regarding compensated absences
A recent GASB Exposure Draft proposes a unified model for the recognition and measurement of all types of compensated absences.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law to help address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In this video, we will cover the major features for both businesses and individuals of the $1.9 trillion plan.
Pandemic highlights need for better use of data among providers
Pandemic highlights the need for better use of data among health care providers. One opportunity is through better use of data analytics.
How planning can help auto suppliers adapt to parts shortages
Parts shortages have been more challenging to navigate as the auto industry has ramped up production to meet unexpected demand.
Hospitality industry may find relief in new ERC expansions
Despite receipt of PPP loans, hospitality businesses may be eligible for retroactive 2020 and new 2021 credits.
Expanded PPP Guidance and Upcoming Deadlines
On February 22, 2021 the SBA announced important changes to the Paycheck Protection Program. In this video, we will briefly cover first and second draw loans, recent guidance that expands loan eligibility, and approaching deadlines that you need to know.
Donor-advised funds: Accounting implications related to pledges
A discussion of the accounting implications when a donor plans to use a donor-advised fund for a promise to give.
Economic recovery can fuel growth that benefits banks
With the economy on the verge of robust expansion, banking organizations can help businesses grow and benefit themselves.