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ASC 740: Q1 2022 Provision Considerations
A roundup of global income tax considerations and changes in tax law for corporations preparing income tax provisions under ASC 740 for the first quarter of 2022.

State tax law changes for the first quarter of 2022
A summary of important updates for determining deferred tax provision under ASC 740 for the quarter ending March 31, 2022.

Treasury releases FY 2023 Green Book Enforcement proposals
The Green Book highlights and key takeaways from the Administration’s proposals on tax enforcement for FY 2023.

Texas Supreme Court clarifies franchise tax services sourcing
Court finds that receipts are apportioned based on where a company's personnel or equipment performing the service are physically located.

Courts rule on alternative fuel mixture excise tax credits
Two courts ruled against refiners in multi-million dollar alternative fuel mixture excise tax credits, holding butane was not an alternative fuel.

Court rules on excise tax refunds for exported crude oil
Exporters of crude oil were entitled to a refund of section 4611 oil spill excise tax.

SAS 136: Changes to the auditor’s report
For employee benefit plans subject to ERISA, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 136 changes the look of the auditor's report.

White House releases budget; Treasury releases FY 2023 Greenbook
Treasury Greenbook highlights fiscal year priorities of the Administration. It includes $2.5 trillion in revenue proposals and continues the theme of increases in high-income and corporate taxation.

How Cryptocurrency Transactions Are Taxed
As use of cryptocurrency has been growing, many users aren't aware of the tax rules and regulations that govern cryptocurrency transactions. In this video, we'll explain how and when cryptocurrencies are taxed, as well as how to report transactions to the IRS.

Should you file a gift tax return for 2021?
If you provided anyone with a gift of more than $15,000 in 2021, you will need to file a Gift Tax Return. While most people won't owe any taxes on their gifts, it's important to understand the rules and make sure you're compliant. Learn how the gift tax works, about gift tax exemptions, and when you need to file a gift tax return.

Tax credits and savings for education
College is a significant investment, whether you’re paying for your own education or a dependent’s. Thankfully, there are tax credits to help defray the costs. Learn about two available tax credits along with other tax savings for education.

Cybersecurity considerations: War in Ukraine
Cybersecurity risks are increasing amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Here’s how you can prepare for and respond to a Russian cyberattack.

Improving your cash flow
Cash flow management is critical for any business or organization, especially those in growth mode. If your business has ongoing cash flow issues or if you suddenly find yourself short of cash, there are steps you can take to assess and improve the situation.

SAS 136: The communication of reportable findings
SAS 136 includes requirements to communicate reportable findings identified as a result of testing relevant plan provisions.

SAS 136: The ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audit election
Plan administrators should consider all implications of an ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) election before the election is made.