Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Videos and Articles

Digital assets targeted for substantial tax hikes

Digital assets targeted for substantial tax hikes

The Ways and Means Committee proposed legislation targeting digital assets to increase tax revenue via wash and constructive sales rules.
Taxpayer Advocate Service struggles with a backlog of cases

Taxpayer Advocate Service struggles with a backlog of cases

Taxpayer Advocate Service is wrestling with a backlog of cases trying to navigate the changing environment of the pandemic.
Operating nonqualified deferred compensation plans FAQs for employers

Operating nonqualified deferred compensation plans FAQs for employers

Throughout a plan & s life cycle, employers should consider whether their plans remain compliant and aligned with the organization's goals.
Technology at the center

Technology at the center

Family offices can strengthen backup processes and increase efficiency and scalability by implementing finance and accounting outsourcing.
The Real Economy: September 2021

The Real Economy: September 2021

Everything from semiconductors to employees is in short supply as the economy recovers from the shock of the pandemic.
Bottlenecks in the supply chain

Bottlenecks in the supply chain

The robust economic expansion that is underway is unfolding in a unique fashion, and it is not for the fainthearted.
Why inflation expectations remain subdued

Why inflation expectations remain subdued

Inflation expectations remain remarkably well anchored despite the recent five-month surge in topline inflation.
Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

The proposed plan to increase long-term capital gains tax rates has motivated investors to seek opportunities to defer and reduce capital gains taxes. Opportunity Zone Funds have been increasing in popularity because of their ability to defer and reduce capital gains. Watch now to learn more about Opportunity Zone Funds.
Building a successful family office: Top 10 questions to answer

Building a successful family office: Top 10 questions to answer

The life cycle of a successful family office begins with family objectives, investments, technology systems and more.
Preventing and Addressing Fraud in Your Business

Preventing and Addressing Fraud in Your Business

Fraud is a significant problem across businesses of all sizes. Here's a great video on steps you can take to prevent and address fraud in your business.
Markets Moved Higher Despite Peak Concerns

Markets Moved Higher Despite Peak Concerns

July was, on balance, a good month for investors. Many broad market indexes across equity and fixed income posted positive returns.
Addressing risks in your health care organization

Addressing risks in your health care organization

A successful risk assessment and internal audit can help locate high-risk areas within your health care organization.
IRS issues employee retention credit gross receipt exclusion procedure

IRS issues employee retention credit gross receipt exclusion procedure

Rev. Proc. 2021-33 allows exclusion of PPP, restaurant revitalization and shuttered venue operator grants from ERTC gross receipts test.
Recipient accounting for SVOG and RRF grants

Recipient accounting for SVOG and RRF grants

The AICPA has issued recipient accounting guidance for Shuttered Venue Operators Grants and Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants.
Health care data analytics: Lessons learned in a time of disruption

Health care data analytics: Lessons learned in a time of disruption

Health care leaders share how they leveraged data analytics to meet the challenge of the pandemic and prepare for the future.