Employers must set compensation policies for remote workers taking into account federal and state tax laws and state legal requirements.

Uncertainty about significant tax changes proposed in the Build Back Better bill require attention and action from taxpayers.

National Taxpayer Advocate, Erin Collins, recommends the IRS pause automated collection notices. Congress may consider the recommendation.

The Ways and Means Committee proposed legislation targeting digital assets to increase tax revenue via wash and constructive sales rules.

Taxpayer Advocate Service is wrestling with a backlog of cases trying to navigate the changing environment of the pandemic.

Throughout a plan & s life cycle, employers should consider whether their plans remain compliant and aligned with the organization's goals.

Rev. Proc. 2021-33 allows exclusion of PPP, restaurant revitalization and shuttered venue operator grants from ERTC gross receipts test.

Small Business Administration, in light of lawsuit, notifies PPP lenders that loan necessity questionnaire is withdrawn.

Biden’s plan to grow the middle class, expand economic growth to all Americans and leave the US more competitive funded with tax changes.

Washington National Tax summarizes key tax aspects of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and the Made in America Tax Plan.

A roundup of recent tax law changes and other income tax provision considerations for the first quarter of 2021.

This Alert describes and explains the postponement of certain federal tax filing and payment deadlines in IRS Notice 2021-21.

PPP borrowers, especially fiscal year taxpayers, should consider extending tax returns and delay loan forgiveness filing (unless necessary).

IRS clarifies deduction disallowance for expenses funded by PPP and issues safe harbor for borrowers that forgo or are denied forgiveness.